2016年7月28日 星期四

 To make effective seme from chudan kamae you must:
                    (如何製造出有效能攻勢 你必須從中段開始)

*Step deeply enough into your opponents space to break his composure
 (勇敢踏入對手空間 去瓦解他的氣勢)
*Move to your uchi ma, a distance that suits you rather than him
 (移動到適合你的間距 而不是他的距離)
*Keep the centre at all times
*Move in with only one step
*Move from your feet and keep correct posture. Do not just push your hands forward
*Usually you step in with the right foot and smartly bring your left foot up to follow
 so you can move effectively into the attack as soon as his concentration is broken
 (通常你踏出右腳巧妙地把你的左腳跟入(帶入) 這樣可以有效地移動到攻擊,當
*Breathe in before you enter distance and retain your breath in your tanden during the process of making seme, releasing it in kiai as you make the attack
  (將氣吸足並將氣保留在您的丹田 然後 切入一刀一足距離的攻勢 精神集中架式十足做出打擊)
*Strike in the timing of one
 (打擊要抓住機會 時機 速度合而為一)
*Do not raise or lower the tip of your shinai as you move in, as this this will alert your
 opponent to your intention
 (你在移動不要提高或降低劍尖,因為這會提醒你的對手 你的意圖)
*If your seme does not have the required effect retain the centre and move back out  
  to safe distance.
 (如果你的攻勢不具備所要求的效能()保持在中心線上 就要趕緊移回到安全距離)
